Friday, December 14, 2007
.. from a new book I'm writing: "about the empirical onthology" ...
The answer is quite simple, because is something they can turn into a profit and more political power, and use as escape goat to change subject when they are caught stealing, murdering, conspiring, you name it. They are not stealing, murdering, conspiring, they have the approval from god, they do it for god, one nation under god, they are all on a mission from god like the blues brothers.
Look for example at bisexuality, why should not be "ethical", half animals and humans in nature are bisexual. So if the answer is in the bible that states the ones that lie with their own sex should be killed, so Christians should kill all the dogs and half the Indian truck drivers ?
The real story is that the "against nature" wording is used to pursue an agenda, when is convenient. Because if people should chose to be "conformant to nature" instead than the other way, then eating your born dead babies like cats do, would be acceptable, as long as they die on their own. In fact, in Cambodia, eating dead human bodies is not a crime, as long as you don't kill them.
The whole problem with what is "against nature" depends on the subject speaking, subjects have different natures, so what is natural for one may not for another. Like for instance, since bonobos spend all day having promiscuous sex orgies, should all in the Vatican do so, to be "pro nature" ?. Now the point to make here is that morals are different things than rights of law, so if the law chooses to be legitimate, has to found its bases not on the concept of moral or nature, but on the concept of damage. A country that can not make this "distinguo", like for instance the united states, can not be called technically a "state of law".
Now it becomes suddenly clear that where there is no social damage there should be no regulating laws, but this is unfortunately a concept that bigots can not understand, so in any country successfully dominated by the church-finance "sacre" alliance, justice is not just, because punishes non-crimes that are not damaging, like consumption of light drugs, while legally permitting damaging crimes, like usury or government sponsored murder sometimes called also death penalty.
That's why bisexuals are hanged in Iran, that's why eugenetics, the base theory that led to German Nazism, was forged in the united states, or that's why Americans feel free to torture people, and also in their "grandeur" redefine the meaning of the word in the dictionary, because, like the french king sun probably would say in this circumstance, "they are the semantics".
That is also why the universal misconception that free market loving libertarians are running the united states is dead wrong. The united states are ran by an alliance of socialist-bigots and greed-obsessed-haters, where some are both, American libertarians are less than 2% in this nation, when the above crooks chat of "free market" they play with the double-sense of the word in English, what they really mean is that they want to own the world market for free.
So I would just invite humans, regardless of their country, race, tribe or species, to be more tolerant, and to start trying analyzing if the theory of damage could not be something their god they mention so much in their speeches, could like better than their own current interpretation. Maybe something they could all understand better is mentioning a Prophet that always claimed not to be one, Zoroaster, "think good deeds, do good deeds, live good", so all of you think about this words and what they mean.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
... prodotti compatibili con l' ambiente che l'industria si rifiuta di vendere ...
-stampanti senza caricatori (ricaricabili con inchiostro, come i plotter degli anni 80)
-gadgets alimentati con cellule fotovoltaiche senza batterie
-veicoli diesel raffreddati ad aria multicarburante con lubrificazione a perdita senza batterie (con APU o starters pneumatici), con valvole rotanti e cilindri accessibili e riparabili individualmente. Il fallimento del sistema di raffreddamento liquido e' evidente, se cosi' non fosse computers ed aeroplani sarebbero raffreddati ad acqua e non ci sarebbe nessuna necessita' di risanare ecologicamente le aree di rottamazione.
-Le emissioni vanno controllate nei riscaldamenti delle case, nelle centrali elettriche, nel trasporto pesante, nelle ciminiere delle fabbriche. Le auto sono solo una goccia nell' oceano dell' emissione nociva.
-impianti in costruzioni edili con recupero acque piovane, taniche di riserva e stabilizzazione termica sottotetto, depurazione o riutilizzo delle acque grigie, riutilizzo bio-energetico delle acque nere
-computers modulari standardizzati con moduli inter-operabili, ciclo di vita di un modulo cpu di un computer ? -> 20 anni ? . Quando ha finito il lavoro di workstation, va nei sistemi multiprocessore, e quando e' obsoleto li, va nel mondo degli 'embedded', ovviamente la logica di tutto il sistema va cambiata. Da una parte buttiamo gli 'obsoleti', e dall' altra li ricostruiamo come embedded boards, un sistema completamente senza senso.
-centrali termiche ad idrogeno, nucleare ?, no grazie, costa poco quando si costruisce, ma l'industria ha mentito, i costi di bonifica sono cento volte piu' alti delle stime, chiedetevi per un istante il perche' l' america non costruisce piu' reattori nucleari da 30 anni, poi ditemi la sola risposta che ha senso.
-bassi consumi elettrici, LED e cosi' via
Saturday, December 01, 2007
... recessione ed inflazione ...
benzina(al-gallone)---------------$2.00--------------------- $3.30
affitti, luce, acqua, telefono pressoche' identici
mutui aumentati i ratei variabili (circa 20%)
I computers costano meno
le automobili piu' o meno lo stesso, ma le vendite sono crollate
il valore degli immobili e' precipitato del 30%
Sembra che qui' il costo del carburante sia l'unico indicatore correlato al tipo di variazioni visibili:
alto costo distribuzione => diminuzione volume acquisti => recessione
recessione => disoccupazione=> fallimenti => crollo immobiliare
Thursday, November 15, 2007
... a public domain project ...
Lamee' technology versus a lame technology (RFID)
... amen ...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
... from another new book I'm writing "Technologically progressive" ...
While the materials exist, the issue is within the design logic. Most of raw parts are built in different measures to fit a design, after transformation, or custom-built, and therefore "non inter-operable".
For instance, in the case of frames, the design logic could change if we start thinking of a smaller "standard size" "interoperable" component, and of design logic of the system whereas the "design" consists on assembling the base blocks in the optimal configuration to obtain absolute oustanding performance, "without" altering the base block.
Now an air carrier can be recycled into enough modules to build two thousand homes or two thousand cars, at end of operational life, generating "positive income" at disposal, instead than the additional liability of spending more bucks to sink it in the middle of the pacific.
We have forgotten the most important phase in engineering, or we have not learned the most powerful force in nature and evolution: "disposal" and "reutilization".
We have also forgotten another critical item: "strategic reserves". Nature has its own, somewhere, of anything needed in its cycles. We do not, and we rely on industries that may not exist at the time we may need them.
Probably 90% of any structure human made can be reduced to interoperable triangles, a modest contibute from Geometry, to the miopic boxy car designers and box home builders, that can not see the round curves of the Universe.
Friday, October 26, 2007
... come e' accaduto che i "paladini della liberta' nell' occidente" stiano divenendo i burattinari architetti del nuovo incubo mondiale ...
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania (1759), quoting Cesare Beccaria
Questo e' quel che l' America e' oggi:
"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans."
-- William Jefferson Clinton, USA Today, March 11, 1993.
"The American standard of life is not in discussion" -- George Bush (before the invasion of Afghanistan)
In parole povere, interpretando fra le righe della alleanza santa di queste due famiglie, che ora guida il paese da venti anni, e probabilmente continuera' a farlo con qualche nuova scusa, lo standard di vita rimarra' uguale in america per i pochi figli dell' oca bianca, "non gente qualunque". Neppure la gente qualunque in america, ha piu' diritti, figuriamoci gli alleati esteri, o addirittura i non alleati.
Non sembra questo un chiaro progetto su scala mondiale, volto a mandare al collasso tutte le economie del mondo, per poi comprare a prezzi stracciati cosa rimane ? (proprio come in russia, direbbe il mio amico di san francisco). La realta' sembra essere che i paesi che non permettono il "lassez faire" richiesto per fagocitare le loro economie, vengono attaccati militarmente, e quelli che lo permettono vengono distrutti finanziariamente.
In parole povere, in guerra o in economia, loro attuano la politica dei "larghi orizzonti" cosi' come De Gaulle all' epoca dell' uscita dall' alleanza militare della nato, giustamente, intraprese.
Ora la conclusione. Se non c'e' parita' di relazione non c'e' alleanza. Lasciategli fare la loro nuova nato nei paesi dell' est. Non c'e' ragione per alcun paese europeo di sottostare ad una relazione-capestro, non basata su parita di diritti. Se loro ci considerano nemici comunque, perche' essere compromessi in una politica internazionale lurida come "alleati".
Non sarebbe forse meglio adottare la saggezza del Generalissimo, che di fronte ad una guerra oviiamente demenziale, decise la neutralita' della Spagna ? Forse, alla resa dei conti, l' america finira' per attaccare anche l'europa, ma se siamo abbastanza fortunati, con una politica di neutralita' la lista di altri paesi da attaccare prima di noi e lunga lunga.
Personalmente, io leggo in questa gente, quando parlano, la realta' dei fatti. Leggo nella loro mente gli insulti, leggo nel loro linguaggio del corpo il disgusto del fatto che devono mantenere una conversazione falso-cortese quando parlano con qualcuno che non e' "dei loro", o anche con i loro inferiori, perche' il classismo e la discriminazione castale, qui, sono la regola.
Percio' non aspettatevi che questa sia la stessa gente del 45, quella era brava gente, ma i pochi rimasti sono negli ospedali geriatrici. Quelli che sono cresciuti qui' nel dopoguerra, sono stati indottrinati in uno "stato di polizia" dove l' unico concetto comune e' la loro "superiorita" e desiderio di "dare lezioni" a tutto il resto del mondo, quelli che, dicono loro, "non hanno standards", perche' per parafrasare il re sole "lo standard sono loro".
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
... per tutti quelli che vogliono in europa un sistema sanitario simile a quello americano ...
Questo e' praticamente il risultato di un sistema di assistenza medica sul modello statunitense. Chi puo' pagare paga. Chi non puo' pagare ed e' servo delle chiese riceve la carita', e chi non puo' pagare muore.
Da chi e' stato inventato questo sistema ? Dalle multinazionali statunitensi, che lo hanno imposto al paese grazie a politici svenduti al miglior offerente. Ora stanno tentando di esportare questo modello CRIMINALE anche in Canada, dove vogliono distruggere il sistema sanitario pubblico con lo stesso metodo, comprando i politici.
Certo, il mercato internazionale di organi umani e' una grande e redditizia risorsa, per gli assassini legalizzati delle corporazioni del ventunesimo secolo, che si sentono nel diritto di monopolizzare il mercato della vita e della morte, perche' loro come dice il dio dollaro, "confidano in dio".
Praticamente un nuovo sistema legalizzato per assassinare chi non e' "conforme" alla logica del potere. Un sistema evoluto, non classificabile come "genocidio" perche' non fa' distinzione di razza, ma solo di censo o di sottomissione religiosa (l'uno o l'altro, i dollari o la carita' del prelato).
Dai tempi dell' eugenetica e dell' AG Farben che supportava l'olocausto, solo una cosa e' cambiata, il metodo, quanto piu' subdolo perche' invisibile, ma sempre basato su tendenze omofobiche verso qualche categoria bersaglio di un paese che si sente investito da dio in persona del diritto di decidere di vita e morte del prossimo.
Pensate per un momento che chiunque vi sia caro, sia destinato nel disegno celle caste di potere, a corto o a lungo termine, a divenire un nullatenente ammalato in mezzo alla strada. Pensate per un momento che chiunque vi sia caro, un giorno, debba morire perche' non puo' pagare il conto dell' ospedale. Questo e' il disegno dei cleptocrati, clericali o monetari che siano non fa' alcuna differenza.
Invito tutti gli amici, e tutti i cittadini in Europa, alla RESISTENZA, non a parole, ma nei fatti. Quando i governi corrotti dalle multinazionali tentino di cambiare leggi, pensate che voi, le vostre mogli, i vostri parenti e i vostri figli, molto probabilmente diverranno tutti potenziali vittime di questo sistema che non ammette dissenso.
Questo non e' un discorso di politica di partito, ma di logica omofobica, di odio e vittimizzazione della dignita' umana, percio' destra, sinistra o centro, non hanno alcun significato, ma l' unica domanda da porsi e' "hanno diritto costoro di determinare vita e morte ?", ed anche "negare cure mediche e speculare su organi umani, puo' essere considerato un crimine contro l'umanita?". Per me la risposta e' ovvia.
E' necessario introdurre in ambito europeo legislazione che limiti il tipo di impresa autorizzata ad operare nell ambito della comunita'. Poiche' non esiste metodo per controllare l'industria multinazionale estera, allo stadio di produzione, sarebbe bene proibire l'operato in europa di multinazionali estere che agiscano in settori strategici per la sopravvivenza umana. Cio' include non solo il campo medico e sanitario, ma anche settori come chimica, biogenetica e bioingegneria.
Se cio' non fosse possibile, come al solito a causa della corruzione generata da questi soggetti, non rimarrebbe alla gente altra alternativa, se non la RESISTENZA, non a parole, non con gli scioperi della fame, non con i cortei, ma con la azione concreta, come nel 43, per davvero. Gente di questo tipo, ed i loro tirapiedi e servi politici ed industriali, meritano di penzolare dai balconi, e' ora che il mondo se ne renda conto.
Il fine ultimo di questi cialtroni e' il dio dollaro, e quando l'europa sottovaluti il rischio legato a tale logica, il vecchio continente sarebbe esso stesso a rischio di fare fine simile al genocidio degli indiani d'america o degli schiavi d'africa.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
... from a new book I'm writing: "about the empirical onthology" ...
The history of churches appears to present a consistent pattern of abuse within the centuries, so why should anybody expect such abuse to be ended now ?, maybe because they repented from their sins and self-absolved themselves ?, or because "they state" a god nobody has ever seen "forgave their crimes ?". Therefore while the concept of ethics and spirituality could be synonym of a legitimate humanist concern, the empirical evidence of the behavior of churches, makes church ethics an oxymoron.
Certain worlds have traditionaly become feuds of such abuse, such as the "vountarism and charity" industry and the retail industry. Within the charity and voluntarism industry, such vision is perpetuated in organizing services for the religiously submitted desperates, so that a high level of power is achieved by the religious referents whenever some dirty work to save them is needed.
Whitin the religiously obedient retail industry, such path is perpetuated with the same kind of connivence, and the word tweakers (note the expression of common language of drug "dealers"), and dealers are synonyms, for instance. Not that I may have anything against tweakers, "per se". The problem lays in deeper reasoning schemas of the industry, whereas further oxymorons like "business ethics" are used. There is no such ethics as "business ethics", there is either one or the other, unless you are a non profit corporation distributing free commodities and services, that is the only possible "ethic business".
The results of such logic, added with the enourmous social value of forgiving sins, creates a society where tweakers manage or sabotage the others, either in religion, or business or both, because obviously the "motivation" of any tweaker is wide stronger than the one of anybody normal, and in absence of real ethics, substituted by the profit logic oxymoron of "business ethics", is self explanatory of why the system tends to stabilize into the pyramid of tweakers.
That's why anytime I hear the words "faith", "motivation" or "ethics" I suddenly feel in need to go look for a rifle. I learned with the years, that people concerned about real ethics, use more wording as "fair profit", and "human natural rights", instead than than the prior ones. Humans that preach godness and have dirt in their yard, are the best "empirical" evidence of the historical connection and jerarchical relation between the sinners and the ones that "forgive" sins, and indicate clearly that religions in general are type of cults, and organized religion itself is a form of constitutionally protected racketeering, whereas constitutions are unfortunatelly not worded to make a distinguo with the legitimate and natural right of choice of spiritual belief, and businesses or other forms of association that call themselves religions.
Nietzsche wrote " ... has not observed life carefully, the one that has not seen the 'charitable' hand that kills ... ". We would add, "has forgotten history as well", and the "charitable" hand is the one above. They wont kill you in their church or business, but they'll make your life miserable, they'll conspire lying about you with their employees and congregations, they'll manipulate your family against you, they'll slave you until you are sick and with no energies, they'll discriminate you on anything you do, they'll make evident to their disciples you are "fair game", so the "seculars", the ones criminal under them that had their sins absolved by their god, could target you more effectivelly.
Unfortunatelly, in the western definition of "state of law", the provvisions of rackeetering don't include such physical and juridical subjects, nor the ignorance of the people helps in applying the existing legislations to destroy such types of rackeetering, because the ignorant folk can not see the danger of the hate churches produce.
I'm sure however that the survivers of the second war concentration camps, can see the the historical and empirical conclusions here. The thousand of years of faith related wars, for the ones that believe in historical evidence, should leave no doubt. The burning crosses in the southern states should leave no doubt. The terror regimes of theocracies should leave no doubts.
So we want to extend an invitation to any human being valuing ethics and spirituality, to extend an inter-faith message to each other, to stop supporting organized religion, to stop meeting in their locations, to resign from works where religious talks are made, and to start assembling in public parks, with other people of good will, orderly, in small groups and at different times, to discuss the real issues of life and death, without having to support the snake oil god salesmen of the churches and their politics, in the process.
Any political issue of spiritual concern can be adressed in a civilized manner, by universal ballot. There is no reason of "representatives" middlemen milking the cow, neither in the feuds of organized religion nor in the political one. Time to go back to DIRECT democracy, since the indirect representatives trusted deserve no trust, at the bottom line, "the people" do.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
... trends ...
-foreign cars, computers and airplane makers
-foreign banks and real estate market
-american distributers of foreign goods
-(soon) american oil companies
-american banks and real estate market
-american manufacturers
-american high tech industry
-foreign distributers of american goods
-gold traders
short terms effects:
-increased solvancy of foreign debt
-real reduction of value of foreign and domestic debt
-effects of devaluation could possibly extend penalizing other stock markets (asia)
-conversion of asian treasury credit into purchases may create us shortages of liquidity
possible induced damages:
-us government troubles on funding national budget
-increase of crisis in foreign banking systems and stock markets
-defaults in foreign loans
-depreciation of foreign real assets
-increase of crysis in foreign manufacturers
-foreign political changes of regimes in most indebited countries
-increased hostility towards american financial system
-chain of devaluation extending to other markets (asia and europe)
-foreign unemployment
... history keeps repeating itself ...
... the beneficiary seems to be always wall street ...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
... subjects ...
I wish this was the situation in amerika, but unfortunatelly is not. Amerikans see foreigners as 'subjects', therefore we have to assume amerikans are all kings.
Anyways, if anybody in the world would ever think this people here would consider them peers, think again, they dont, and they never will, they have been indoctrinated and grown on the myth of the american supremacy, and they think that they are a superior race just because they are born in amerika.
Amerika is no longer just a plutocracy, but is now also a kleptocracy.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
... about glass recycling ...
-glass and plastic bottles go in the garbage, weigh too much or are too big in volume, and have a redemption value not justifying collecting them, or nobody wants them, like happens with wine bottles.
-seems to me quite of a huge amount of glass and plastic, so I'm asking myself why there is no separate collection of glass and plastic in a separate can, like in the nations that don't have so high standards like amerika
... just my five cents ...
... I hope amerikans that know everyting by statute under god, may not be offended by such a suggestion, by a poor non-amerikan peon ...
Friday, September 28, 2007
... how amerika is being framed ...
South Riding, Va.: Which is worse?
- Knowing that there are hackers controlling botnets, or
- Knowing that companies like JP Morgan Chase, Cingular, T-Mobile, and will pay for their ads to appear on the computers on the botnet?
It would seem to me that part of the solution is to convince the big companies to stop paying 180solutions to distribute their ads.
now, for a minute, think of this:
-the government, the industry and any other spammers now have the power to target, for whatever "agenda" they may have, the mail address of the people they dislike, with the spam "designed" to trigger the electronic surveillance on them (like keywords of the kind "anarchism", "terrorism" and so forth).
... nice, not even orwell had tought of such perversion level ...
Friday, September 21, 2007
... about the economic turmoil ...
-quadrupled public deficit
-wild speculation
-deregulated usury, spelled also as "fees"
-"at will" labor policy
-unregulated (and tax free) offshoring of labor
-loss of credibility
-massive unemployment and underemployment
-mass scale insolvancy
-international ripercussions
-giant drop of internal and external demand
-monetary policy, "throttle the slide"
-elimination of non-profit exemptions
-universal social security and medical system managed by the military
-shift on tax incentives (longer terms of admortization credits, introduction of "tax and social security credits, for employers")
-shift from "service profits" and "financial speculation profits" to "commodities profits" giving tax credits and grants for production of commodities
-depenalization of stupid crimes to monetary fines, concentrate on reducing the worse ratio of murders in the western world
-privatization of public services, except justice and defense, dismantle the public cows, at state and federal level
five years term goal:
-100 millions of new jobs, note I said "jobs", not "ronald mc donald jobs", a country on minimum wage is not going to save the fall
-100 millions of new immigrants
worst case scenario:
-apparently the ratio of real dollars versus "dollars on paper" is 1 to 30, so you "qualified" guys do the math, see what happens when your velocity of circulation trends to zero
My old professor of Economics used to say: "you shave the sheep, you don't kill the sheep", I don't know, you "qualified" guys maybe can express your educated opinion on this matter.
Oh, I forgot the christians, sorry guys and gals, you run this country, so you may as well take your responsibilities, keep praying and preying, we have seen where it leads, pray Saint Torquemada, maybe he understands you and gives you a miracle.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
L'Ame du Vin - L' anima del vino - The soul of wine (Charles Baudelaire, Fleurs du mal)
Un soir, l'âme du vin chantait dans les bouteilles:
«Homme, vers toi je pousse, ô cher déshérité,
Sous ma prison de verre et mes cires vermeilles,
Un chant plein de lumière et de fraternité!
Je sais combien il faut, sur la colline en flamme,
De peine, de sueur et de soleil cuisant
Pour engendrer ma vie et pour me donner l'âme;
Mais je ne serai point ingrat ni malfaisant,
Car j'éprouve une joie immense quand je tombe
Dans le gosier d'un homme usé par ses travaux,
Et sa chaude poitrine est une douce tombe
Où je me plais bien mieux que dans mes froids caveaux.
Entends-tu retentir les refrains des dimanches
Et l'espoir qui gazouille en mon sein palpitant?
Les coudes sur la table et retroussant tes manches,
Tu me glorifieras et tu seras content;
J'allumerai les yeux de ta femme ravie;
À ton fils je rendrai sa force et ses couleurs
Et serai pour ce frêle athlète de la vie
L'huile qui raffermit les muscles des lutteurs.
En toi je tomberai, végétale ambroisie,
Grain précieux jeté par l'éternel Semeur,
Pour que de notre amour naisse la poésie
Qui jaillira vers Dieu comme une rare fleur!»
(Charles Baudelaire, Fleurs du mal)
Una sera l'anima del vino cantava nelle bottiglie:
"Uomo, verso di te mi spingo, o caro diseredato,
sotto la mia prigione di vetro ed i miei sigilli rossastri,
un canto pieno, di luce e fratellanza!
Io so cosa ci vuole, sulle colline infiammate
di pena, di sudore e di sole cocente
per infondere la mia vita, e darmi un'anima
Ma io non saro' ingrato e malfattore
Perche' io provo una gioia immensa quando cado
nella gola di un uomo consumato dal suo lavoro:
il suo petto caldo per me è una tomba dolce
e mi piace molto piu' che nelle mie cantine fredde
Vuoi sentir risuonare i ritornelli delle domeniche
e la speranza che bisbiglia nel mio seno palpitante?
I gomiti sul tavolo, e rimboccandoti le maniche,
tu mi glorificherai, e tu sarai contento.
Io illuminero' gli occhi della tua donna affascinata;
Ai tuoi figli io ridaro' la sua forza e i suoi colori.
E sarò per questo fragile atleta della vita,
l'unguento che rafforza i muscoli dei lottatori.
In te cadro', ambrosia vegetale,
grano prezioso, gettato dal Seminatore eterno,
Perché dal nostro amore nacque la poesia
che germogliera' su verso Dio come un raro fiore."
(da Charles Baudelaire, Fleurs du mal, traduzione di db 2007)
One night the soul of wine was singing in the bottles:
"Man, I push myself towards you, my dear disinherited,
under my glass prison and my reddish seals,
a song full of light and of brotherhood!
I know what it takes, on the flame-hot hill,
of pain, of sweat, and of burning sun,
to generate my life, and give me a soul;
But I won't be ingrate nor wicked,
Because I feel a great joy when i fall
in the throat of a man worn by his work,
and his warm breast is a sweet grave,
Where I feel much better, then in my cold cellars.
Do you want to hear again the sounds of sundays,
and the whispering of hope in the hartbeat of your breast?
The knees on the table, rolling up your sleeves,
you will glorify me, and you will be happy;
I will make bright the eyes of your fascinated woman,
I'll give back your kids, her force and her colors,
And I'll become for this fragile life athlet,
the rubbing oil that makes firm the muscles of the wrestlers
In you I will fall, vegetal ambrosia,
Precious weat, thrown by the eternal Seeder,
Because from our love, was born the poetry,
that will bloom up towards God as a rare flower.
(from Charles Baudelaire, Fleurs du mal, translation by db 2007)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
... su cosa si basa la crisi americana ...
2)Questa e' solo la punta dell' iceberg, l'iceberg potrebbe essere una crisi su scala mondiale simile al 29 in america.
3)Personalmente, analizzando la situazione sotto un angolo liberista, penso che le sole soluzioni per salvare capra e cavoli, siano nella politica monetaria e nella ri-definizione degli "standards" dei tracciati dei consumi, della responsabilita' finanziaria e della politica del lavoro.
4)Il modello economico americano e' destinato a degenerare sul modello argentino, con la differenza che a Washington e' difficile reperire qualcuno con il cervello di Peron e con l'oro necessario, per risolvere la situazione. L'unica cosa che saranno capaci di replicare dell' Argentina, e' il "dopo Peron", probabilmente, il mercato "liberalizzato" di organi umani in america, puo' usare con profitto i "desparecidos", e l'inflazione galoppante sincronizzata con gli orari di wall street diventera' la regola.
Cosa ha portato alla situazione dei nostri giorni (cioe' ad una economia di cartapesta):
-"standards" troppo elevati, l'america non si puo' piu' permettere lo stile di vita degli anni 60, ma i politici ed i media continuano a mentire spudoratamente. Il risultato e' che qui' e' quasi impossibile frazionare le proprieta', quasi impossibile comprare un monolocale, lo "standard" della propaganda politica e' la villa, facile da comprare quando le cose vanno bene, ma impossibile da vendere quando le cose vanno male. Quando una volta ho fatto notare ad un meccanico aborigeno questo concetto, la risposta che ho ottenuto e', praticamente, che poiche' loro sono "americani", loro hanno degli "standards" che "gli altri", noi poveri incivili in europa ed in giappone, non abbiamo, ovviamente.
-prezzi "gonfiati" delle proprieta' immobiliari, tipo di costruzione in linea con tutta la logica di produzione demenziale inventata dagli "esperti" locali, cioe' costo minimo alla produzione per ottenere profitto massimo alla vendita. Il risultato e' che il costo durante la vita di un immobile in america per minuto mantenimento, e' altissimo (che cosa ci si aspetta quando si costruiscono case di cartapesta e compensato). Ovviamente i concessionari e gli idraulici locali, se mai faccio loro notare questo particolare, mi rispondono che loro hanno degli "standards" che "gli altri", noi poveri incivili in europa ed in giappone, non abbiamo o non siamo in grado di capire, ovviamente.
-"deregolamentazione" dell' usura, ove in alcuni casi, le "penalita'" sui pagamenti sono il settecento per cento della rata, o, al minimo, il cinquanta per cento della rata, e ove le penalita' vanno a sommarsi ad un tasso di "interesse" del trenta o oltre per cento.
-"deregolamentazione" del mercato del lavoro, da intendersi, notate bene, non come "mobilita" ma come licenziamento su due piedi, senza dover fornire alcuna "causa" (si chiama "employment at will"), ha ri-creato "monarchie assolute" sui posti di lavoro. Un tempo si parlava di "fair labor practice" ma direi che oggi il concetto e' rimasto solamente nel vocabolario. La realta' dei fatti e' che il lavoratore medio americano, e' oggi giudicato sulla base della "conformita'" a chi lo dirige, e come gli scandali della "corporate america" hanno provato nei fatti, quando si da' questo tipo di potere a criminali, si vede dove si va a finire.
-scomparsa dei sindacati, i sindacalisti americani dei nostri giorni, curano solo gli interessi loro, il sindacato e' divenuto per davvero un "syndacate", dove gli unici interessi protetti sono quelli lobbystici di una dirigenza, che non avendo piu' potere di negoziare nulla, cerca almeno di salvare il potere dei benefici personali.
-discriminazione degli anziani e dei disabili nelle offerte di impiego, quanto piu' subdola, basata su "requisiti " non necessari, ma incorporati in pressoche' qualunque offerta, talvolta comici, per non dire tragici, quali "capacita' di sollevare 30 chili", capacita' di piegarsi, torcersi, camminare a quattro zampe sotto i tavoli, e cosi' via.
-fanaticismo, tanto fanaticismo, l'establishment americano ha creato ne' piu' e ne meno quello spirito che fece alcuni dei perseguitati religiosi scappare in america, la vittima, se mai lo fosse stata, si e' trasformata nel carnefice, le lobby di potere in america sono nelle chiese cristiane protestanti, che aspettano da tutti sottomissione, in un clima da caccia alle streghe.
-alto costo di vita, con i piu' alti tassi di omicidi e di stupri nel mondo occidentale, qui' fa' una grande differenza dove si vive, anche in termini monetari, e questo spiega perche' molto spesso la gente sceglie di indebitarsi piu' del dovuto, qui' a volte e' un problema di "sopravvivenza" nel "far west" moderno, dove le "gangs" hanno sostituito i banditi della frontiera.
La conclusione e' semplice. Se la gente non ha soldi non spende. Se non spende, l'economia della "grandeur" americana chiude bottega. Le banche americane hanno davanti la interessante prospettiva di "riconvertire" in concessionarie di automobili ed agenzie immobiliari, se troveranno dipendenti che vogliono lavorare in cambio di auto e alloggio.
Il modello economico Keynesiano e' stato distorto in modo tale, che i benefici monetari e fiscali per supportare l'economia, non supportano piu' nulla, perche' non raggiungono piu' i consumatori, si fermano negli stipendi pubblici dove i portalettere guadagnano otto mila dollari al mese, nelle grandi gare di appalto, dove "subcontractors" figli dell' oca bianca, pagano sette dollari all' ora la povera gente per lavoro di "vigilantes", e fatturano lo stato per cento dollari all'ora e nel business della riabilitazione sociale, dove le organizzazioni (tutte strettamente religiose) mungono la vacca del governo locale, per indottrinare poveri disgraziati, che necessiterebero di cure mediche e psichiatriche invece che di prediche filosofico morali.
Poi si sorprendono di essere in "stagflation", cosa ne pensate, fanno finta perche' gli fa comodo, o sono imbecilli per davvero, o tutti e due i casi, oppure, piu' semplicemente, sanno che la nave sta affondando, e stanno rubando il piu' possibile per quando succedera ?.
Come finira' ? Non ho una sfera di cristallo per prevederlo, ma se devo dare una opinione basata sull' istinto, direi male,male, o anzi anzi male,male,male.
Monday, September 03, 2007
... about non existing jobs and email collection postings ...
-Most of this ads are (presumably) only there to collect email addresses, for spam purpose.
-I am not sure who is in the back of this scum, but as I suggested Craigslist in an email they never answer to either, it would be advisable charging for posting job ads, probably 100 US$ for a month of posting.
-The computed ratio, based on rough numbers, between legitimate jobs and other (obscure) collection of privacy data oriented postings, is at about 1 to 50.
-If you don't believe me, try it yourself, and see how many answers you get.
-Also, we have recently been hit by codered worm, nice try, thats the machine of the kids.
-I'm not so stupid to put anything important on a windows machine, those of you that do, repent, say three pater nosters, and eat three bales of hay, like in the joke.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
... weimar 2001 ...
-Informatevi sui seguenti argomenti:
--Haliburton, nota ditta al servizio degli affari di governo, che costruisce e dirige campi di concentramento in america e nel resto del mondo, inclusi quelli piu' recentemente divenuti famosi.
--I progetti speculativi dell' industria volti a destabilizzare il pianeta, come per esempio il progetto americano-canadese di rendere potenze nucleari l'india ed il pakistan allo stesso tempo.
--Zero, libro che evidenzia le menzogne governative su cosa e' realmente successo, insieme a spiegazioni ufficiali che qui notoriamente usano sempre modelli fisici e matematici contrari ad ogni possibile legge conosciuta in fisica o matematica, apparentemente un vizio "storico" per questo paese dove i proiettili girano di novanta gradi agli angoli di strada.
--La storia della teoria della eugenetica, inventata in america ed applicata in tutte le piu' feroci dittature nella storia recente, molte delle piu' recenti finanziate dalla cricca degli strozzini locali
--La storia della sussidiaria ibm ag farben ed i profitti americani generati rendendo la shoah piu' efficiente.
-La realta' e' che questa e' una economia di cartapesta dove ogni cosa diviene casus belli per guadagnare tre denari.
-Per i motivi sopra penso che l'unica salvezza dell' europa nel prossimo ventennio possa consistere in una politica di neutralita' sul modello del generalissimo durante la seconda guerra.
-E' pertanto necessario revisionare tutti gli accordi bilaterali di paesi membri, ove venga a sussistere, in caso di degenerazione della situazione statunitense, una esposizione che metta a rischio i diritti dei cittadini dei paesi membri della communita' europea.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
... cheap accounting ...
Ten solutions (order has no meaning, read notes and find out yourself what you
1) turbo cash:
main page
wine compatibility
environment windows, source, wine emulator
tested on fedora core 6 with wine windows emulator
xml import-export
multiple companies supported
open software, free, low cost of original media and support
multiple branches (location) available in beta test
2) gnu cash:
main page
environment windows, linux, source
tested on red hat 9
QIF interface
no multiple companies, but can be set up for multiple providers and payees
no multiple locations
3) nola (web based, commercial with open software):
main page
tested on untested
web based php application
4) quasar (commercial with open software):
main page
environment windows, linux, source
tested on untested, linux versions binaries too old for my systems (newest fedora available is 4)
windows version would not run on wine
xml import-export
multiple companies supported
low cost or free open software version available
multiple branches (location) available
5) myob (commercial, low cost)
main page
environment mac osx 10.39 up, windows 98 up
download (trial)
tested on tried before older version, mac os8.5
no multiple companies, but can be set up as multiple payables and receivables
no multiple locations
easy, well documented
6) accountpro (shareware)
main page
download (trial)
environment windows, wine emulator
other environments dos (free)
dos download
tested on fedora core 6 with wine windows emulator
export to plain ascii files
no multiple companies, but can be set up for multiple payables and receivables
no multiple locations
7) medin accounting (shareware)
main page
download (trial)
environment windows, wine emulator
tested on fedora core 6 with wine windows emulator
multiple companies and sets of books
multiple locations can be setup trough multiple companies and sets of books
8) money smith (shareware)
main page
environment windows, wine emulator
tested on fedora core 6 with wine windows emulator
copy/paste to excel or other spreadsheets
no multiple companies, but can be set up for multiple providers and payees
no multiple locations
9) dynacomm (basic, free)
main page
environment windows
tested on untested, won't run on wine, runs only on windows
10) owl basic bookkeeping (shareware)
home page
info page
environment windows, wine emulator
tested on fedora core 6 with wine windows emulator
multiple folders can be used as multiple accounts
no multiple locations
Sunday, August 19, 2007
... from my new book, "tracking impact" ...
Deterrence from theft or embezelment in peace time, should be built in the systems in such a way that it would use only specific, monitored, and non-civilian emission frequencies, so that the identification of the position would be limited to a signature on the utility lines or a radio-goniometric plot of the single unit missing.
Passive or semi-active systems, like RFID tags, could signal or confirm presence, and therefore may cause great loss. We suggest such technology never be used on operational materials, nor on operational personnel.
Combining RFID technology with cellular phones becomes the ultimate weapon for killers planet wise, hard to miss somebody that has the right cell phone, and the right RFID tag.
Given the above, we suggest updates of international treaties, whereas allied countries promise each other not to infest with bugs allied equipment and personnel, and modification of the national penal codes of war, permitting the trial for treason of such crimes and criminals.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
... i diritti dei lavoratori in amerika ...
... poi ti riducono il reddito a nulla ...
... e alla fine sei in mezzo ad una strada ...
... malato e senza mezzi per curarti ...
... vai a chiedere invalidita' ...
... ed hai a che fare con una lista di cialtroni ...
... alla amministrazione pensionistica ...
... che guadagnano otto mila euro al mese ...
... per essere arroganti ...
... e trattarti come spazzatura ...
... chi in europa pensa positivimente di questo paese ...
... deve provare a lavorare per questo popolo ...
... io sono venuto qui' da illuso ...
... e presto saro' un barbone in mezzo alla strada ...
... e un giorno venderanno i miei organi al miglior offerente ...
... questa e' la vera amerika, non quella che credete voi ...
... state lontani da questo paese ...
... non venite qui ...
... lasciate che l' amerika vada per la sua via ...
... referendum subito ...
... uscire dalla nato ...
... chiudere le basi ...
... fine della propaganda ...
... i pali carichi di salcicce qui' non esistono ...
... la guerra fredda e' finita ...
... non c'e' piu' alcuna ragione di essere "occupati" ...
... chiudere il capitolo ...
... loro sono cow boys ...
... lasciateli andare a giocare con gli indiani ...
... amen ...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
... i latitanti ...
... nessuno risponde ...
... un servizio eccellente, per una "repubblica" centrafricana ...
... povera italietta ...
Monday, July 23, 2007
... spaghetti or fried rice ...
said the cretese chef
"all salmons are lawyers" ...
... and the turtle ? ...
"soup, please"
Saturday, July 14, 2007
... injustice ...
-violated it's own chain of custody rules on publicly owned (means CITIZEN's OWN) materials
-refused to take corrective measures when confronted on the issue from union members
-made the issue into a "personal" one, discriminating against the people aware of the situation
What would you think of a public agency that is MISSING 20% of the materials on it's chain of custody and refuses to take any measures, except persecuting its employees ?
... I personally think that were right the romans, that were writing on marble ... the tables of roman law are still there, in the forum ...
may you all live interesting times
modesto, california, USA this 7/14/2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
... about political propaganda ...
I ordered and displayed on my car the "GRAND OIL PARTY" sticker back the times.
I signed the petition for the end of the war in the middle east, they got the martyrdom they wanted, George feels he is the real cowboy that "smoked" them, but thats the never ending story like the USSR invasion in Afghanistan, or like the adventure in Viet Nam, so is time to pack and go, since things are only getting worse, AMEN.
Anyways, tonite I deleted their email on the "do something for the greenhouse effect, blah blah blah"
.. the issue is simple, RATIFY THE KYOTO AGREEMENT PERIOD .. or you REALLY think everybody in the planet is stupid except the US and Australia ? ..
.. no need of hearing more bull ..
.. also, kind like sadly it reminded me when Clinton campaign was promising a public medical system, have you seen it ? ..
I think this country really needs a third party, that can cut off on the chitchat and deliver on what it promises.
... just my five cents ...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
... the incompetents in office ...
-Over ten years ago I suggested the people in charge of environment of a county there, to acquire shredders for tires, used to cut used tires into chips to be burned as combustible in ventilated bed power plants. Most of americans probably have never heard of MAC SATURN, Company producing the best tire shredders in the world, here, in america, you can even find them used on Ebay.
-The next reform in the school system and in politics should require a degree in "common sense".
... what do you want to do, I am the joker ...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
shortage of degreed people in california
-Workers not willing to work "off the clock" (read unpaid)
-Fair labor practice and unions rights non-existent
-A spaniard-victorian system of ethics and laws
-More illegal workers than legal
-Almost highest crime rate in the nation
-Racist and discriminative legislation, non-us citizens can not buy guns
-Cost of life crazy
-Highest public red tape in the country
... hey, make sure the last one turns off the lights ...
Monday, May 21, 2007
the hypocrites
So, americans have the right to be free from second hand cigarette smoke, but they don't, AND NEVER WILL have the right to be free from second hands Hummers smoke.
something does not sound right, I tought I was the joker
Monday, May 14, 2007
from my book, comments welcome
Appendix II - Open software and public administration
The public administration mission consists, in time of peace, on providing a military system capable of protecting the country, providing law and public order, and taking care of the welfare and well-being of the nation. In a time of war, public administration has to be able to furnish maximum support to the military machine, battlefield damage repairs in the home country and the basic needs of population.
Consequentially, being high paying war targets the industrial military economic complex, while generally other governments targets are not that high of a priority, the public administration has also the duty of providing supplemental services like communications, engineering, civil protection and support to reconstruction to the industry and the population, and to provide for its own survivability capacity, including all major services to the population.
In the above light, and from the standpoint of the highest public deficit in history, it appears obvious that the resources for this enormous challenge have to come from “self financing” instead than from the usual, and so loved by all economists, symbolic cow of public debt, that may end up not working as well for times of war, or times with an exceptional number of catastrophic events like the Katrina hurricane.
To help accomplish the above goals without adding burdens on budget, few logical solution appear obvious:
Deferring operational life of equipment can save precious funds to redirect to different contingent priorities, as an increasing number of national emergencies will arise off of a cycle of warming affecting the Atlantic regions.
Open software has today the capability of using 1998 and sometimes even older hardware, with comparable performances in terms of speed and products with today machines loaded with today's proprietary operating systems and applications, even if giving up a few 'modern' multimedia features, (which most public offices should not have anyway, unless they are the Press Information office or Public Relations office).
Telecommuting capacity of government agencies is also a very important step toward reduction of public spending (reducing cost of maintenance of real estate and operational fixed costs like energy and equipment).
Recent statistics in Canada show that 50% of public servants would choose to work from home if they could:
However, no additional financial burden should be expected, like “double taxation” in interstate transactions, or specific software requirements. YOU CAN NOT IMPOSE YOUR EMPLOYEES TO USE A CERTAIN BRAND OF SOFTWARE AT THEIR HOME, IS UNFAIR AND IS UNCOSTITUTIONAL.
Telecommuting will also increase the survivability of government agencies (and private as a matter of fact, if they just would like to listen for once), if designed right. For example, the agencies in the WTC would have suffered much less of a loss if they had been dispersed on a company P2P network, with 50% telecommuters.
Proprietary software, primarily that written by Microsoft, is the target of most malaware, viruses and spy ware on the Internet. Generally speaking people at home have kids downloading all day junk from the Internet, and will never have firewalls costing ten thousand dollars each or more (they pay out of pocket for their equipment, not via the cash cow of government agencies).
Consequentially, the reality of telecommuting in government requires employers to step away from proprietary software, toward a software anybody can afford, that performs regardless of hardware, and offers maximum un-compatibility with malicious software. The software that meets these requirements at this time is open source-based.
Profound changes on legislation will be needed to make telecommute a reality in the government sector:
Public administration should go toward open software anyway, because it has the constitutional duty to be inter-operable with all systems and to serve all citizens, not only those who choose to run a particular operating system. Government, being neither church nor a private company, should not be exempt from applying non-discrimination rules. Failure to provide cross-platform services equates to discrimination against those impacted.
A large number of experts agree to this day that open software is better than proprietary. Would it not seem logical after institutions like the Parliament of France have adopted Linux as their operating system of choice, giving more consideration to open operating systems ?
Open software can cost anywhere from nothing to 10-20% of the price of corresponding proprietary products.
Why the migration to open software is not happening fast enough in the US, should be object of a congressional investigation, and politicians in Washington should explain why government on-line services are discriminatory towards citizens not using Microsoft or Apple products.
The web is full of forms on plenty of Government sites, whereas the only way to get the information, is trough the use of proprietary code or programs. Citizens are discriminated on the access of public services, on the base of what operating system, browser and media player they use.
The private industry is following the above (bad) examples, due to proprietary software's ubiquity One ironically is even to fill up the on-line application for the Geek Squad using a “non-Microsoft” OS (seems to work on Linux with Netscape 7.2, however the unsupported OS notification on the page prevents users from certainty that their application may be actually filed).
Here some interesting considerations on browsers from 2001, the situation does not seem to be any better now:
The matter of a 'one and only choice' is serious, and is impacting both national productivity and security. The possibility of a net “infection” / “poisoning”, causing most or all systems of a certain kind to be down for an indefinite period, should be enough of a reason to start considering the maximum redundancy of products, instead of restricting the choice to one provider.
Because of the taxpayer's interest in efficient government spending and the need of interoperability of software and equipment, open software, as well as open hardware, should be a mandatory requirement for appropriation for any government agency.
Finally, open software opens the road for the government agencies to generate their own operating system and applications. “Government edition” versions of applications and operating systems can be royalty free, and can be distributed with no licensing charge in unlimited quantity, to employees, suppliers, contractors and citizens, maximizing standardization and compliance.
Here are few examples comparing cost of operating systems applications:
Operating systems, Office software and browsers:
| x86 | mac | Sparc/x86 |
Prop. OS | Vista $250 | osx $199 | free Solaris 10 |
Live OS | limited | limited | supported |
Linux/bsd | Free | Free | free |
Live OS | included | included | included |
Prop. Office suite | Office $550 | Office $ 199 | 25 star office |
Open Office | FREE OO | FREE OO | FREE OO |
Prop. browser (different) | Free explorer | Free safari | Free java |
Mozilla – firefox netscape | Free – same | Free – same | Free - same |
Other issues arise when talking about programming tools and environments, where also open software plays an interesting role. This is the higher portability of code across platforms, and consequent reduction in the total cost of ownership (TCO) of development.
Open Source Development Tools:
| x86 | mac | Sparc/x86 |
Prop. Devel 3gl | Microsoft .net full $600 | Free Xcode limited | Developer suite ($?) |
Proprietary open software java | Free | Free | Free |
Gnu – eclipse | Free | Free | Free |
python – eclipse | Free | Free | Free |
Prop. Database | SQL Server $500 | none | Adabas (included with Star Office) |
Proprietary database oracle express | Free | unavailable | Not Free ($?) |
Proprietary open source Ingres | Free | Free | Free |
Postgres | Free | Free | Free |
Finally, costs can be reduced using many open source free or low-cost specialized applications rather than proprietary from software houses. For example:
Specialized applications:
| x86 | mac | Sparc/x86 |
Proprietary photo | Photoshop $839 | Photoshop $719 | Photoshop ($?) |
Open software gimp | Free | Free | Free |
Proprietary CAD | Autocad $399 | Autocad $399 | Autocad ($?) |
Open Software US Army BRL CAD | Free | Free | free |
Proprietary ERP/CRM | MS CRM $405 MS ERP $2,200 | Daylite $145 Open MFG free | ($?) |
Open Software ERP/CRM ERP5 - Compiere | Free | Free | free |
Several open software projects are not yet at maturity but are expected to be in the years to come.
Open software is being looked upon by many government agencies as a way to reduce operating costs. As a backlash against proprietary software deepens, open-source software is gaining acceptance in the world community.
Open software is a big player in the United Nations project related to the Millennium Development Goals. The US Department of Defense is already highly involved in open software, and so are agencies like the NASA and its European equivalent, the European Space Agency (ESA).
Kansas City, Paris France, Schoten in Belgium, Gwangju in Korea are running their administration on open software:;1941298570;fp;16;fpid;0,39
Several libraries are now running on on open software:
The state of Georgia is running 256 libraries on open software, with a long list of others:
Also, the first indications that at a certain point the use of Open Software may become mandatory in specific Countries, is indicating that compatibility to open software is something governments can not afford to ignore any longer, as indicated in the article below:
All the above leads to believe that closed proprietary software is on the way of estinction, like the dinosaurus, and further public spending in it, with very few exceptions of highly specialized software, is a symptom of poor managerial decision capability at the best, or conflict of interest at the worse.
Note: All prices are approximated, and obtained with “best price” query on google, choosing the lowest offer for full edition products (non academic, OEM, demo's or 'not for resale')