Friday, December 14, 2007

.. from a new book I'm writing: "about the empirical onthology" ...

Why governments and churches distort the concept of nature

The answer is quite simple, because is something they can turn into a profit and more political power, and use as escape goat to change subject when they are caught stealing, murdering, conspiring, you name it. They are not stealing, murdering, conspiring, they have the approval from god, they do it for god, one nation under god, they are all on a mission from god like the blues brothers.

Look for example at bisexuality, why should not be "ethical", half animals and humans in nature are bisexual. So if the answer is in the bible that states the ones that lie with their own sex should be killed, so Christians should kill all the dogs and half the Indian truck drivers ?

The real story is that the "against nature" wording is used to pursue an agenda, when is convenient. Because if people should chose to be "conformant to nature" instead than the other way, then eating your born dead babies like cats do, would be acceptable, as long as they die on their own. In fact, in Cambodia, eating dead human bodies is not a crime, as long as you don't kill them.

The whole problem with what is "against nature" depends on the subject speaking, subjects have different natures, so what is natural for one may not for another. Like for instance, since bonobos spend all day having promiscuous sex orgies, should all in the Vatican do so, to be "pro nature" ?. Now the point to make here is that morals are different things than rights of law, so if the law chooses to be legitimate, has to found its bases not on the concept of moral or nature, but on the concept of damage. A country that can not make this "distinguo", like for instance the united states, can not be called technically a "state of law".

Now it becomes suddenly clear that where there is no social damage there should be no regulating laws, but this is unfortunately a concept that bigots can not understand, so in any country successfully dominated by the church-finance "sacre" alliance, justice is not just, because punishes non-crimes that are not damaging, like consumption of light drugs, while legally permitting damaging crimes, like usury or government sponsored murder sometimes called also death penalty.

That's why bisexuals are hanged in Iran, that's why eugenetics, the base theory that led to German Nazism, was forged in the united states, or that's why Americans feel free to torture people, and also in their "grandeur" redefine the meaning of the word in the dictionary, because, like the french king sun probably would say in this circumstance, "they are the semantics".

That is also why the universal misconception that free market loving libertarians are running the united states is dead wrong. The united states are ran by an alliance of socialist-bigots and greed-obsessed-haters, where some are both, American libertarians are less than 2% in this nation, when the above crooks chat of "free market" they play with the double-sense of the word in English, what they really mean is that they want to own the world market for free.

So I would just invite humans, regardless of their country, race, tribe or species, to be more tolerant, and to start trying analyzing if the theory of damage could not be something their god they mention so much in their speeches, could like better than their own current interpretation. Maybe something they could all understand better is mentioning a Prophet that always claimed not to be one, Zoroaster, "think good deeds, do good deeds, live good", so all of you think about this words and what they mean.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

... prodotti compatibili con l' ambiente che l'industria si rifiuta di vendere ...

La realta' e' che il metodo di produzione basato sulla logica consumista, anziche' sulla logica di 'prodotto eterno' distrugge l'ambiente. La soluzione non piace all' industria, che ovviamente vuole succhiare il sangue a tutti, come i vampiri, ma la realta' ecologica non si chiama 'usa e getta' ma 'usa e conserva, per sempre':

-stampanti senza caricatori (ricaricabili con inchiostro, come i plotter degli anni 80)
-gadgets alimentati con cellule fotovoltaiche senza batterie
-veicoli diesel raffreddati ad aria multicarburante con lubrificazione a perdita senza batterie (con APU o starters pneumatici), con valvole rotanti e cilindri accessibili e riparabili individualmente. Il fallimento del sistema di raffreddamento liquido e' evidente, se cosi' non fosse computers ed aeroplani sarebbero raffreddati ad acqua e non ci sarebbe nessuna necessita' di risanare ecologicamente le aree di rottamazione.
-Le emissioni vanno controllate nei riscaldamenti delle case, nelle centrali elettriche, nel trasporto pesante, nelle ciminiere delle fabbriche. Le auto sono solo una goccia nell' oceano dell' emissione nociva.
-impianti in costruzioni edili con recupero acque piovane, taniche di riserva e stabilizzazione termica sottotetto, depurazione o riutilizzo delle acque grigie, riutilizzo bio-energetico delle acque nere
-computers modulari standardizzati con moduli inter-operabili, ciclo di vita di un modulo cpu di un computer ? -> 20 anni ? . Quando ha finito il lavoro di workstation, va nei sistemi multiprocessore, e quando e' obsoleto li, va nel mondo degli 'embedded', ovviamente la logica di tutto il sistema va cambiata. Da una parte buttiamo gli 'obsoleti', e dall' altra li ricostruiamo come embedded boards, un sistema completamente senza senso.
-centrali termiche ad idrogeno, nucleare ?, no grazie, costa poco quando si costruisce, ma l'industria ha mentito, i costi di bonifica sono cento volte piu' alti delle stime, chiedetevi per un istante il perche' l' america non costruisce piu' reattori nucleari da 30 anni, poi ditemi la sola risposta che ha senso.
-bassi consumi elettrici, LED e cosi' via

Saturday, December 01, 2007

... recessione ed inflazione ...

Situazione in California:
benzina(al-gallone)---------------$2.00--------------------- $3.30
affitti, luce, acqua, telefono pressoche' identici
mutui aumentati i ratei variabili (circa 20%)
I computers costano meno
le automobili piu' o meno lo stesso, ma le vendite sono crollate
il valore degli immobili e' precipitato del 30%
Sembra che qui' il costo del carburante sia l'unico indicatore correlato al tipo di variazioni visibili:
alto costo distribuzione => diminuzione volume acquisti => recessione
recessione => disoccupazione=> fallimenti => crollo immobiliare