Friday, April 30, 2010

... overpopulation, end of oil and collapse (3) .....

What Europe want to copy from the US, and should not
-labor policies
The "labor at will" formula introduced at the time of the failed "reaganomics" crashed miserably at the first serious recession, transforming it in a "real depression", the US government lies about its "real" situation, 60 millions unemployed, probably another 60 millions "underemployed" are the numbers that can be estimated to be so "serious" to crash the real estate market, and soon the commercial market as well. "Labor at will", introduced by the neo-con"s" as a solution to the disgrace of American unions, a sort of extortion cartel that provides benefit outside of market reality, but only to their own "sons of the white duck", ended up causing a problem even bigger, the failure of the US production system.
The fact that the US government lies systematically, can as example, be also double checked with the announcements of "exceptional" crop year for 2009, while at the same time one third of the US is declared disaster area, depending upon which ministry you look at the situation, the numbers are different to fit each political agenda.
-health policies
The "country under god" has so much money to maintain tax exempt parasites such as 5000 churches with 3000 living prophets and other mafia stile non profits, in addition to other circles for the "sons of the white duck", but can not find anything to provide medical care of the poor unable to purchase it from wall street racket, at racket prices, "an offer nobody can refuse" brought to people by wall street christian business and banking mafia.
The reason of the above is that religion and non profit in the US are nothing more than a tax exempt fraud used by the "sponsor" corporations or the politicized churches racket.
-political system
The "country under god" permits the "purchase" of politicians, this makes the US "not" a democracy but a plutocracy, and the laws permit the banking systems and the enterprise to use legalized criminal methods, and this makes the US a cleptocracy.
As it stand, is surprising all the criminal organization of the planet have not purchased any of the US congress and senate members, or maybe they did, we don't know. All we know at this point is that the "cleptocracy" "has a plan" to rob the universe of anything they can take.
Biogenetics have provided wall street the capability of "selective genocides" on world scale crop and seeds destruction. While it would be "tempting" to do the same thing in Europe, probably the research should be better oriented towards agents that can discern "genetically modified" seeds and plants, and destroy them, this would create a "fail" for the Orwellian wall street system, that would see "dissuasion" in its agriculture production to be endangered.
Biofuel production will raise the cost of food planet wise and condemn to death over one billion that lives on one dollar a day. There is no need to share the responsibility of this genocide planned by wall street and Detroit as usual, let them keep 100% of responsibility for the people they will "intentionally" kill to be able to keep building their junk six liters engines. May they live interesting times.

What Europe does and should not
Europe will be a colony of the mobsters US banking world as long as is not capable of locking in prison and threw away the keys for all its corrupted businessmen, public employees and politicians.
-patents system
The American approach to "intellectual property" and "genetic patents" is a rope around the neck of the countries accepting it, that may lead to their economic destruction. The ones who don't realize it are "fools", instead than politicians, they should go work for their "sponsors", politics requires "independence" and "lack of conflict of interest". Believers, sins forgivers, corrupted and forgiven sinners, should not be elected in office, the later two should be in jails.
-trade on US exchanges
The American capacity of manipulation of exchanges suggests that all European business should not be quoted on stock exchanges where somebody else "fixes" artificially the prices. European governments should also be prohibited from taking loans or lending moneys, outside of their countries.
-presence in NATO and foreign troops on European soil
Should all be closed and go home. Europe needs to improve and expand the UEO, and withdraw from foreign invaders commanded structures such as NATO. If the wall street oil lobby wants holy oily wars, they can do them on their own, making the nazi-kristo-klepto-bolschevicks bankers pay for them.
Too much, too ineffective, too useless.

What China has done right and we should all do
-controlling the population
The Chinese economic miracle has unequivocally been caused by birth sex selection and a lower rate of population growth than the stupid bigot kristo-mafia western culture.
As said, unfortunately the western world is controlled by the cleptocracy of the kristo-banking mafia, therefore no possible "reasonable" solution of population control can be achieved.
The kristo-banking mafia is interested in power and wars, and to cause the people to want war, all it takes is stripping them of their wealth and creating conditions of overpopulation.
The kristo-banking mafia has done both, causing a depression, and causing an explosion of births, preaching demential kristian sexual and reproductive theories, with no scientific base, nor any base in logic nor reality, except the one of making the cost of labor trend to zero, and creating the condition for (their) higher profits on public contract and war supplies.

what we all should do
-repair rivers for natural fertilization
-reprocess waste for fertilization
-build over 200 miles per gallon half size tandem mini-cars
-retrofit housing with insulation and one central power-heat system
-produce energy out of solar, tides, currents, winds, geothermal
-get all the people sterilized, stop giving birth for 15 years
-put a 75% tax on banking and insurances profits
-eliminate "all" tax exemptions, with government exception
-closing down useless government agencies

Thursday, April 01, 2010

... overpopulation, end of oil and collapse (2) ...

... let's be optimistic ...
... 8 billions people ...
... earth capacity for 800 millions ...
... what is the "final solution ?" ...

here we can see another example of solution of wall street at work:

... overpopulation, end of oil and collapse ...

... let's be optimistic ...
... 8 billions people ...
... earth capacity for 800 millions ...
... what is the "final solution ?" ...

here we can see one example of solution of wall street at work: