Friday, October 30, 2009

... aspettando di essere spediti nei campi di sterminio ...

-dalle elezioni del nuovo inquilino della casa bianca, dieci mesi fa', l'america ha perso 5 milioni di posti di lavoro "fissi"

-immaginate quanti altri lavoratori non dipendenti sono senza lavoro

-l'anno scorso, prima che eleggessero questo tizio, pensavo che un altro repubblicano alla casa bianca avrebbe segnato la fine dell' economia americana su scala planetaria, ma eleggendo un volto "nuovo" cioe' non uno con il nome "clinton" o "bush" delle due famiglie che hanno portato alla rovina il paese, almeno sulla carta, avrebbe prolungato l' agonia di un altro anno

-l'anno e' passato e la politica delle presse dei miliardi di miliardi, ha conservato il valore di mercato, e grazie alla macchina della truffa dello scambio elettronico, wall street e' perfino in "finto" rialzo (se si considera il valore del dollaro di due anni fa' e' allo stesso punto di prima)

-nel frattempo MSNBC parla di 20% di disoccupazione "reale" cioe' di 60 milioni di disoccupati, ci credo, credo siano anche di piu' forse almeno 70-80

-contando 100 milioni di pensionati e di bambini, gli "occupati" reali, in america sono oggi meno del 50% della popolazione, il 40% per essere esatti

-al ritmo corrente, considerando che ogni sei milioni l'anno di disoccupati tradizionali, comportano altri sei milioni di disoccupati autonomi, l' america sara' completamente disoccupata nell' anno 2019

-per questo, per motivi di "ordine pubblico" l'america ha costruito campi di concentramento, come fece a suo tempo l' amico dei banchieri di wall street ed il datore di lavoro del nonno del presidente americano precedente, hitler

-non possiamo dire che si tratti di "campi di sterminio" proprio come in germania nessuno sapeva all' epoca, ma se il governo degli stati uniti e' in buona fede, perche' non mettono in linea su internet le web-cam di tutti questi campi, cosi' il resto del mondo potra' osservare cosa avviene all' interno di essi, e giudicare autonomamente, al di la delle dichiarazioni ufficiali di un establishment che molti considerano di bugiardi

-osservate con cura tutti i post di dissidenti, create bookmarks per vedere se continuano a scrivere, solo cosi' si puo' controllare il livello e l'efficacia della repressione di questo regime, monitorizzate

Thursday, October 22, 2009

... come si puo' creare finanziamento pubblico senza creare inflazione ...

... battendo moneta commemorativa ...
... il tesoro puo' vendere ogni collezione di moneta legale ...
... a tiratura limitata ...
... per undici volte il valore nominale ...
... se la tiratura e' calcolata in modo scientifico ...
... i collezionisti del pianeta li comprano ...
... e se il tesoro vende queste tirature limitate ...
... attraverso le agenzie che commemorano ...
... molto probabilmente lo fanno anche i dipendenti ...
... per valore affettivo ...

Friday, October 16, 2009

... credere all' america ? non direi ...

Con la servitu' del dollaro e la complicita' dei partiti dei venduti agli interessi degli altri, il sistema finanziario americano vive della distruzione delle risorse degli altri, e non solo dei nemici, ma anche degli amici.

L'america sa' che finche' esistono imbecilli che usano la loro carta igienica verde, il dollaro, loro possono prendere per il fondello tutti con una truffa finanziaria. Lo ha fatto Nixon, lo ha fatto Bush, lo faranno molti ancora, e non e' colpa loro, e' colpa degli imbecilli che comprano dollari, e che credono a quel che dice l'america.

L'america e' il governo mondiale della congiura delle chiese, e chi ci ha portato al collasso e' il partito di una chiesa di "amici" dell' america. E' curioso notare che l'america del petrolio era quella collegata ai campi di sterminio nazisti, e la chiesa degli amici degli americani, era quella che benediva i campi di sterminio nazisti.

L'America ha perso ogni dignita' eleggendo a presidente il nipote del banchiere di hitler, ed orchestrando guerre coloniali per il monopolio del petrolio. La credibilita' internazionale dell'America e' zero, i pochi che rispondono a questi mentecatti, sono corrotti politici sul loro libro paga.

L'America, arrivera' al punto da non essere piu' creduta da nessuno sul pianeta, e quando sara' li' scatenera' l' olocausto nucleare, cosicche' rimangano solo cinquecento milioni di persone, cioe' il nord america, come dice la pietra obelisco dei sudisti in georgia.

Ognuno al mondo e' libero di pensare come vuole, ma essere amici degli americani vi rendera' solo poveri, malati, e distrutti, ed essere nemici vi rendera' invasi e sottomessi alle mafie clericali, lo dicono anche loro, "l'america non ha amici, solo interessi". L' america ha scelto di proposito un percorso non sostenibile, per eliminare il potere degli altri e concentrare il potere nelle mani delle famiglie cristo-mafiose di wall street.

Ma c'e' una terza via che potrebbe verificarsi, quando il mondo intero capisca che l'america ha imbrigliato ed imbrogliato tutti, cioe' uno scenario ove l'america cessa di esistere, con due possibili varianti. Con il tempo si vedra', in meno di due decenni il ciclo sara' completo, e per allora non esistera' piu' la razza umana, se l'america di wall street esistera' ancora, o viceversa.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

... is the american evil fixable ? ...

-probably not, the Christian mob and the wall street clerical financial cartel on drugs, have hijacked the country. they don't have friends, only usury interests, the treaties with them are not worth the paper they are written in, treason is their style of power.

-he whom is wise is prepared for a first US strike and a massive response planet wise, the days of the US as it stands are counted, and as the wall street puppet, nephew of Hitler banker, has shown, they attack first when cornered, like the snakes.

-is not a matter of "if" any longer, just a matter of "when", beware, "don't miss".

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

... nonsense and economic maneuvers ...

The more times goes by and the more emerges spontaneous a list of questions to understand the US system, at times seems to be dubious if all the voting Americans are wall street stocks owners or just don't have a clue of what they are talking about:

First of all there must be a certain degree of stupidity in the system if 50% of Americans want better health care but think that a private system charging the government seven times more for the services, and provide worse services than most of western world countries, is OK, as long as their "socialized medicine" in the Medicare system is not touched, and everybody else either pay for those over-charges or loses medical coverage.

Common sense would indicate that a system defrauding the government, should be scrutinized and dissected by the office of general accounting, and forced to pay back what they stole from the government, ergo the taxpayer. As a consequence the whole system of private medicine would go bankrupt, and now the government could nationalize it in exchange of settling a claim for 40 years damages, and possibly merging it with the military health system into a national medical legal system agency.

In second lieu statistics indicate that 40% Americans want to save Detroit, so it could build more junk such as Hummers etcetera, while 60% of Americans want to save the banks that created a loan bubble and made their houses be worth one third of what they were 5 years ago, their 401K worth 50% and the interest rates of their credit cards going from 6-7% to over 30%.

Common sense would indicate that an incompetent greedy and treasonous banking system, should be scrutinized and dissected under the RICO act. As a consequence the whole system of private banking would go bankrupt, and now the government could nationalize it in exchange of setting a claim for the national damages caused, and possibly merging the central banking authority with the Internal Revenue Service into a national Federal for real not just for name, Bureau Of Financial Investigations, and afterwards liquidate the rest to the new private banking system, on the stock market.

However this does not seem to be the case, since this strange and treasonous connivance continues, whereas the American voters elect presidents and vice presidents not the ones such as Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, that are denouncing some of this scandals, but "puppets" of wall street financial lobby. Are this voting people all wealthy wall street stock holders, or just plain imbeciles ?, this is the serious question I leave to the reader the answer for.

The long list of stupidities proceeds with the choice of the grandson of Hitler banker, of incentives for biofuel, resulting within a few months on doubling of the cost of cereal based foods, right at the brinks of the deflating real estate bubble and consequent recession, smart job, congratulations, the "neo-cons" can be proud of the famine they created instantly across the whole planet.

The long list of stupidities continues further, with a "cash for clunkers" law that does nothing to reduce consumption, but actually does damage to the US economy when you can trade a fuel economic 20 yo Geo metro for a gas guzzler Chevy truck with the compliments of 4500 bucks from the taxpayer. This was as usual a gift for Detroit, that does triple damage to the US economy. The first damage is keeping Detroit open to build junk, the second is charging principal and interest of a stupid move on the taxpayer, and the third is doing absolutely nothing to reduce fuel consumption. This could have been a good law, without the treasonous lobbyist of the usual Detroit junk makers, as simply as limiting the choice of new purchases to "LPG hybrids" or "diesel" or "vegetable oil diesel" or "electric hybrids" or "electric", I'm sure it does not take Von Braun's brain to get to this minimal degree of common sense.

And furthermore, for both administration, the use of shady "private contractors" in war resulting on charges ten times higher than using soldiers, and a lack of international credibility of the US worldwide, due to the lack of respect of the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war, and of odor of suspicion of crimes against humanity. Good job, "mission accomplished". Surprisingly nothing is said by the general accounting office, nor by international war crimes courts, neither on this case, nor of the long list of US crimes against humanity in the last century.

may you all find what you are looking for

Friday, October 02, 2009

... insane results on free market from a libertarian approach ...

assumptions of a liberistic economic system:
-a state of law, with an "effective" legal system
-a state justice enforcing the law over political and moral interest ...
-a state of military force, repelling aggressions ...
-a base logic that belongs to the government only what can not be operated by individuals because of "conflict of interest", or "size of operation"

a few requirements of a liberistic system:
-is based on trade of plus-value in production
-is based on the higher interest of the social duty over the personal advantage
-is based on best utilization of resources obtained by competition on a free market

Now, while a liberistic system is compatible with capitalism, the opposite is not necessarily true, because a plutocracy, or better a kleptocracy such as the US wall street driven system, is not a liberistic system, since the best utilization of resources is replaced in the American view by the "highest profitability" for the capital of the wall street lobby, with no regards for the higher interest of the social duty towards the American nation over the personal interest of this pluto-mob, ready as it did before in the second war, and later, to sell out the nation to any enemy for their private profit.

The result of this choices, are a crime cartel of drug distributions and persecution to prepare the killers of the industry of murders necessary to a private profit based health system, and commissioned murders to feed the private industry of dead body parts. The level of this collusion between the government and the organized crime are visible at any level, Hollywood training little murders on movies and video games, churches and financial empires with cocaine traffic activities, a justice system milking the cow of government contracts and a private industry monopolizing duties that used to belong to the government, but is now more profitable to subcontract to the pistoleros of wall street, that charge the taxpayer ten times more that what it would cost having the national guard doing the same job.

On top of all, this attitude towards the economy, if not stopped somewhere and somehow, proves beyond any doubt that the US economic system is trending towards total collapse, and the country is headed towards the status of a banana republic, as an effect of the total bankruptcy of three hundred millions people, in order to "capitalize" three hundred families of wall street Christian mobsters, shows. Any country with a one percent that owns 99% of resources is a banana republic, this is easy to verify.

The data are visible for anybody to study. Walmart is a Chinese distributer, because it does not provide any benefit to the US, besides the benefit to their stockholders. In doing so, Walmart is one of the companies that contributed to sink the US economy and sending it into a bankrupt situation. The US car industry is another, even worse, example. The US cars manufacturers held after the second war a 50% share of the world market, while few years ago this share was about 5%. The US car industry is another segment that privileged kleptocratic and plutocratic advantage, helping destroying the US economy for the privilege of its stock holders, and overloading the US taxpayer of debt to save their millionaire "bonuses" and their useless production of junk. Finally, the banks of the federal reserve system, are a crime cartel that needs to be nationalized.

Another reason of why the US is not a libertarian economy, but a plutocracy and a kleptocracy, resides in a weak and confusing legislative system that encourages conflict of interest instead than discouraging it, in a bigger impact of capital over national interest, that encourages treason, instead than discourage it, and in complete absence of computing cost/benefits approach in production, towards the effects of the choice on the "all" country, that encourages irrational, ineffective and unscrupulous depletion of the most important resources of all society for the benefit of few wall street crooks.

To make a long story short, big oil, big car, wall street and the American churches hijacked the Country, and will take the US to an unrecoverable status if not stopped somewhere and somehow. Now, my conclusion here is an appeal to the US Military, with which all soldiers of the world are linked by a duty of honor towards their countries, sympathetic in their daily struggle between the obedience to their oaths and the hierarchical submission to the dirt of politics, a brotherhood of understanding towards fellow soldiers, and the intimate burden of their service, "those few and happy, a rank of brothers".

And the appeal is very simple, do what you have to do to keep your oath to your Country. None of you has an oath to protect multinationals, scumbags, and the other 300 mobsters families there. You have made an oath to protect the 300 millions US citizens, not to protect wall street recurrent and perpetual treason of their own citizens, and the rest of the world is looking at America with hope, from anywhere in the world, that "common sense" could at some point prevail.

"they were right the romans, that were writing on marble"