Friday, February 15, 2008

... why madness is taking over the world ...

... and what to do about it ...

Coupling available radio frequency technologies with amplification (see NASA silent speaker), reading people mind seems now a reasonable reachable technology.

The problem of governments pushing to "chip" with RFID devices their citizens opens a serious ethical problem, and is a step towards destroying democracy planetwise.

The fact that not only freedom of speech, but also freedom of thought is in danger, may push humanity back thousands of years in history, humans must prepare to fight for their freedom.

I urge people to take action and resist, to prevent the "chip" problem to become the instrument of the new holocaust. Also I invite people to emigrate and support with financial investment, governments and countries with legislation prohibiting human implant of chips, while desupporting financially the countries that plan to implement human chipping technology.

... amen ...

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