Thursday, February 21, 2008

... a clarification needed ...

Just to avoid confusion, here is a brief list of what I personally think should be considered fields of public interest by any nation that does not want to be sooner or later destroyed by its own greed and lack of minimum ethics (like for instance respect of basic human right, or violation of international treaties):

-health and social security

The government has the obbligation to make sure that their personnel curriculum is standardized and untouched by the outside opinion myths of mainly fanatic religious and greed interest groups, and in order to do so, the above departments should have their own academies to train and educate their own personnell internally, and to promote within their own institutions, on the base of verifiable results obtained in the fields of competence for the national interest, without regards for any non governmentally obtained titles or classifications.

Also, as mentioned several times, I believe in freedom of choice for pretty much anything not damaging third parties, like choice of controlling birth, or choice of religion, however I do believe that people that recognise the authority of a divinity above their public duty, are "unfit" for public duty because of conflict of interest and historical patterns of behavior.

I am not sure if I could be defined a good supporter of republics, the older I get and the less tolerance I have for the generalized corruption and lack of basic honesty of such institutions. I have always been loyal to my republic, however I reached the point of thinking that, given a choice, the presumed incompetence of monarchies is way better than the arrogant corruption and lack of ethics and conscience (not in religious sense, but in social sense) of republics.

I think to be a libertarian, because for anything not listed above, I support and believe in deregulation and freedom of enterprise, but poor western choices as "employment at will", "kleptocratization" of social security, "medical poorcide", "corruption and criminalization" of society and "freedom of usury" are subjects where the "real" effects are totally disputable, especially now with the generalized western crisis, tip of the iceberg and prelude to the collapse of the western economy.

I am not sure at this point if the leaders of "free market" preachings, are not as bad as their opponents, and I am starting wondering if the whole big chit-chat of the western "intellighenzia" is sincere, or another scum comparable and equivalent to the churches and the socialist lies.

I would like to see a sign from the "western" world, making evident in the facts that all the cold war doctrine was a real philosophy of thought in favor of freedom, and not just the preaching of some other lunatic Illuminati fanatics, just like their counterparts, but I strongly doubt at this point.

If you follow the pattern of the profits you can always see the truths from the political and holy claims, here a nice exercise, get a piece of paper and list the names and the companies that made profits creating disgraces for humanity, since the year 1901, and meditate.


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