Sunday, February 25, 2007

about genetic engineering

Here is the issue:
-I am reading science and industry telling us we need genetic engineering to make human life better, using nano agents to protect and repair vegetal and animal species including humans from effects of diseases, and to obtain more efficient crops and species, including humans.
-Nothing wrong with that, "fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e conoscenza", as the Poet said. But all that, if and only if, we had started this path from the beginning, if and only if, we were living in "the best possible world" as per Pangloss in Voltaire Candide. Then it definitivelly would look like a "step forward for humanity", like the Guy said in the 60's, when this was the case in America, in a society where progress was just the natural evolution of a generalized and planned well being.
-Now somebody here has forgotten reality:
--"In 2005, there were 46.6 million people in the U.S. without medical insurance"
--I could not find the number of chromosomic maps for the purpose of control of genetic defects made on US pregnant women per calendar year, I would be curious to know a percent number versus pregnancies (maybe the kristian koalition is hiding the numbers, ... just joking ...).
--Nobody knows how the Corp of Engineering will find the founds to fix all the levi that would prevent another katrina-like disaster to occur.
--We live with a medical system with the highest percentage of administrative costs and profits in the world, and the lowest percentage of budget going towards actual medical treatment costs
--Without even mentioning how "deregulated" the human organ market is in amerika.
--Nobody knows if we may have viable bridges or roads in ten years.
--Nobody can estimate the exact date when the Social Security Administration may collapse or break down to who knows what.

The question I'm asking myself, is why Tutankamon and his party in DC are doing everything possible to transform him into Atahualpa and the US into the Inca empire ?

Maybe "When a Banker jumps out of a window, jump after him - that's where the money is" as per Robespierre ? Is sad to admit than "the greatest power in the world" does not have a way to take care of human deseases, when people need it the most, that is when they are so sick that they can't work.

As stated, I identify myself into libertarian theories, and I believe in free enterprise, but from what I remember from the classes of Economics, you need to shave the sheep, not kill her, you can only kill the sheep once, and after that you will be naked by winter, and out of cheese.

Albert Einstein apparently believed in the power of stupidity: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

... comments welcome as usual, should say again also, last november post was an exception, but was about beliefs and spirituality, and those should remain subjective choice ...

... as said "libera chiesa in libero stato" (Camillo Graf Von Cavour) ...

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