Saturday, August 02, 2008

... new parties america should have ...

1)A radical party of REAL progressives (in contrast to the fake progressives, named 'democrats'), who would make a national objective overcoming the energy crises with green technology (such as 200mpg 500 lb vehicles, alternative fuels, tides, thermal, wind and solar energy microproduction etc.)

-Such radical party could also battle for a "state of law" whereas anything that is not producing social damage would be de-penalized and not persecuted, for fair labor practice laws and for a universal PUBLIC medical care system, all solutions that would reduce the giant number of bankruptcies in recession, and give citizens what they are entitled to, "the respect of their basic human rights".

2)A libertarian party of REAL conservatives (in contrast to the fake conservatives, of national socialist and theocratic ideology, named 'republicans') to 'dismantle' the zoo, or more accuratelly to rescind the umbelical cord of the zillion of public companies sucking the blood of the federal government billing at monopoly prices currency and services (such as the federal reserve, haliburton, and all the others, including all the fat and tax exempt churches on the US payroll), and to create a "fair" capitalistic system, whereas the notion of "profit" does not include impoverishing and murdering people, or stealuing public money to finance churches, or manipulating the political system and the elected government trough corruption.

-Such libertarian party should also re-establish a regime of accountability in economy, possibly re-introducing the gold standard or a similar method to prevent governments to spend moneys they don't have, eliminate duplicate structures (like reducing the federal government at defense, justice, energy and health and social security), thus obtaining a significant reduction of taxation.

If wall street and its puppets want to run a country ignoring the constitution, they could go buy themselves an island in the pacific that does not have one, and be happy thereafter.

The above just in defense of basic "legality", "fairness", and basic "humanity" in the treatment of people, and probably also to give america a bit more of the "credibility" that america has managed to lose.

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